Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Jesus Christ." (the indie band) - Is This Really What You Want?

Admittedly, the main reason I even noticed this track is because of that outrageous name - which, by the way, is officially written and punctuated that way. And that's probably the same reason you're actually reading this post right now. Hailing from Brooklyn, NYC, the duo, who refer to themselves as the "Poet Laureate" and "subconscious voice" of Generation Y, insist on calling themselves a "sound project" rather than a band. But egomania aside, the song is unavoidably cool. Whether you take it seriously or not is up to you.

"Jesus Christ." (the indie band) - Is This Really What You Want?

It's clearly a song about lost love, but beyond the vocals, which are both spoken and sung (and very tastefully, I might add), the wistful synthscape and minimal drums backing them make this more than just another throwaway track in a long list of insincerely nostalgic pop songs. The sounds seem to come from far away, but have a depth that you can easily find yourself slipping away into as you listen. There's also a subtle buildup of energy that runs through the entire track that's only really noticeable after a few listens, but is really one of the main reasons this song is so hard to let go of. It lingers a little, like the memories of a lost romance. As silly as that sounds, I think you'll find it hard to disagree.

The main thing that strikes me about this is that, for a band with such a ridiculous name, their music is far from it. It falls into a similar category to artists like Memory Tapes and Washed Out - sort of chilled out dreamwave, with an M83 edge. Chillwave? Use it, don't use it...

Regardless of whether you dig this track or not, the band's page on Muxtape (a new online platform for bands which also looks like a very cool idea) is well worth a visit. Make sure you go right to the bottom...some of these gems are too good to miss:


See you next time.

(P.S.: Sincere apologies for the recent lack of posts. Normal service has been resumed.)

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